The grappa of our land,
in Montaione.

Since 1965
the Tuscan grappas
of Borgo Amarrante
The marc remaining after pressing the grapes for Amarrante wines is used for the production of Tuscan grappas much appreciated by Italian and foreign visitors alike since 1965, when wine-making activities began. The medieval borough where the holiday farm is situated, the cellars and the holiday homes are therefore a favourite place for everyone wishing to enjoy the flavours and skills of long ago, surrounded by country landscapes of breath-taking beauty.

The distillation
of Tuscan grappas
at Borgo Amarrante gives origin to two different types of liqueur: the first, a dry grappa of total transparency and intense taste; the second, a soft grappa aged in French oak barriques for three years, giving it a yellow ochre colour and a particularly spicy taste with fruity undertones. The production of Tuscan grappas completes the intense activity of wine making at the Amarrante cellars which includes a number of red wines, white wines and vin santo, as well as olive oil: all specialities that owe their excellent quality to the soil, to the artisan craftsmanship of those who work the land and the full respect of traditional methods in processing the grapes.

Grappa Riserva
Distilled according to traditional methods, the Borgo Amarrante Reserve Grappa is a soft fruity-tasting liqueur with spicy undertones. Of yellow ochre colour, it is fermented in French oak barriques for 2 years.